2006/02/20 | long time no "keep"~
类别(生活) | 评论(0) | 阅读(10) | 发表于 20:25
I don't know why i can be such forgetful! year ago, i registered this blog, aiming at remarking my feeling on line rather than writing them in my diary. that may be a more efficient and interesting way for me to draw what is on my mind.
long since i have already put it out of my sight. i didn't mean to, but i have done that. not long before did i enter this blog, i have registered another blog-like msn. i found it is ok, making it open to my friends. recently, i figured that i was really unreasonable to open another similar "blog", leaving this one getting "dirtier" day by day. however, i shouldn't have had it or the other unconsidered, on contrary, i should take good care of them.
nothing should be regreted any more, since i keep that "regret means nothing at sll" firmly at the bottom of my heart. how to ultilize them is the urgent thing at hand~~
maybe i can write diary in english like this here.excellent idea~~hehe~~

