2006/02/25 | the last but one day~
类别(生活) | 评论(0) | 阅读(97) | 发表于 15:11
yesterday,we all have registered,leaving nothing to care,such as homework. in order to make me feel ok, i began to entertain myself by watching movie left by feevi.
ok,everything is a little bit beyond my imagination that daisy had a boyfriend! what a terrific news! you had never known the fact that she loves the boy to whom her friend had pocessed deep affection. she was getting in to a hat(进退两难). however, they two have been together, leaving the other poor and loyal girl who is still looking for the boy to change his mind unawared.
is it fair for that girl? i suggest they should at least lessen the hardness they have done to the girl.although,time can heal everything, i reckon that they ought to tell her, instead of having secret love. let that girl know she is impossible,and give time to her to "recover". if not, that may do harm to her health,either her study.……
i don't want to say more, because that sort of things is usually uncertain and complicated.
this morning, i went to classroom-building to study. cool,am i? yes, i think so. and……tomorrow, i should be tutoring the whole morning……and late afternoon,i should be with feevi at mcdonal's……what a day! i don't like precisely, but i have to~

